That’s enough Universe That’s quite enough! ( Ten things of thankful #10thankful post)


Sometimes I wonder how I ever survived depression and anxiety without social networks. Sometimes I think we were better off without it. Before social networking I had a therapist, now I have friends who truly care. I had some of them before but I had a hard time being a friend, let alone a Mother. This week the Universe seems to have crapped all over me. Somethings I know I am worrying about that may not come to pass. I keep telling myself stay present, deal with what’s in front of your face. Ha! Tell my brain that. This week I have seen social media gather around a few friends who felt safe enough to reach out and speak their truth. They were in a dark place. Then the dark place seemed to have descended on me as well. Sometimes social media can be a blessing to someone with depression and anxiety. A well-timed quote, photo or attagirl. Somehow, even though I think the universe is shitting all over me, I also think the universe put these people in my life. The Universe showed this person just the right quote or photo with a nudge to share it with someone. Sometimes I have found the Universe use me in that way and I am grateful.

Ten Things of Thankful

I am pretty sure that entire paragraph could count as my ten items for my thankful list, however I have so much more. so much more.

Today I took back my house from the fruit flies. I bleached and vinegar and baking soda’ed (it’s totally a word) everything. I had some help from my daughter and from Starbucks and actually also Ultracur. Seriously. I cleaned for thirty minutes to an hour and then took a break and took one ultracur instead of taking two every couple of hours. Oh man. That is a good tool to stick in my Toolbox for later. I had never tried it that way before. I got most of my list done and some things not on the list.

School supplies, were gleefully organized and bags with my daughter’s name and classroom carefully written on them were packed up. One more week. One more week. I have loved this summer. We have had a great time. We are both pretty much in routine withdrawal though. I need my adult time back. She needs her schedule back. I am happy with what we did this summer but I would not object to her going back a week early either.

Tax-free +coupons=mostly happy pocket-book for back to school.

Then there are these photos that try to capture the thankful moments.

unnamed (1) unnamed (2) unnamed (3) unnamed

AND Then there was one last last extra last birthday party with her BFF’s where I made a pretty decent Angel Food Cake and sliced strawberries which we of course topped with whipped cream.

unnamed (4) unnamed (5) unnamed (6) unnamed (7)

So in the end, sometimes the Universe shits on you but there is so much to be thankful for if we just remember to stay present. I know, it is so much harder to do it than say it. That is why we have another day to try all over again. We can tell ourselves over and over that tommorow is a new day. It is even if the same problems from yesterday carry over. It is a chance to stay present and do something different, try something different.

So here are two thoughts that have gotten me through this week:

20_seconds_of_courage download (2)

21 responses »

  1. oh i love it when i hear about someone telling the Universe to stop it… I’ve done that…see there are silver linings…the trick is to accept what’s going on and the silver lining will be there my problem is I don’t easily accept anything and basically scream out please stop too….

    great list and an a wonderful inspiration.

    awesome quotes i will surely post those as well.


  2. Pingback: That's enough Universe That's quite enough! ( T...

  3. Oh Erin! I’m so sorry you have had such a rough go of it… and yet, I love how you have been encouraged and loved and supported through it all. Those quotes are FANTASTIC.

    And I just love that you had such a splendid summer with your girl! The pics are adorable!


  4. The cake and strawberries look pretty tasty! I’m officially out of the back to school loop this year, both boys are now past it, but I remember how nice it was to get back to a routine at the end of the summer. I suspect it’s just sinking in for my youngest that back to school won’t be happening this year – just more days of getting up at 4 am for work.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. We have two more weeks until school and right now I’m halfway between wanting it to still be summer so we can keep being together (we’ve had SUCH a great summer) and please God let it start RIGHT NOW so we can get back to the routine. Tough call.
    Know what I love about you? How you take the crap life hurls and just manage it so well. Attitude is so important and yours is good. Enjoy the last week~!


    • Yes, I feel torn sometimes but sometimes I have had enough of the ten year old.
      AWww. I just feel I have to keep going and if I can search for the good it makes it easier. Mostly, well chocolate and caffiene help too.


  6. It’s good to have the support of good friends! I’m sorry it’s been a bad week, but you had angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream! That’s one of my favorite things. I’ve been having fruit fly issues, too. Earlier this summer, I did the thing where you put apple cider or red wine vinegar in a glass and cover it with plastic wrap with some holes punched in the top. The fruit flies dutifully flew in, couldn’t get out, and drowned. It was a beautiful thing. This week’s fruit fly crop does not seem to be enticed by the vinegar. Need to find a Plan B.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s like you find something that works and the fruit flies mutate and it no longer works for this next batch. Plus we have ac wall units so the kitchen doesn’t get as much ac and its middle of summer so there is that too.


  7. Fruit flies are the WORST! I hate those things. We have had swarms of them before, but this year, thankfully, hasn’t been bad at all.
    I like the routine of summer way better than the school year. I get to plan the summer schedule, but during the school year, I have to work around school and sports schedules. I’d rather be in charge. 🙂
    I do enjoy some angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream. Yumyumyum.


  8. I love your quote about courage, Erin. Staying in the present is difficult, but taking it one step at a time, try again tomorrow is a beautiful sentiment. Also, I hate when the fruit flies inhabit the air around my wire fruit basket. You did a great job getting rid of them. You know, I need the “back to school” routine, myself, even though I don’t go back to school and there is no one at home who does. There’s something about that time of the year that heralds change and new beginnings that we look forward too. I am a summer lover, but sometimes the days get just too lazy.


  9. Sorry to read about your tough go, but having people to lean on is nice! Seems like you have a great supporting cast around you. And ice cream, don’t forget ice cream! Danny


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