OMG ITS FRIDAY AGAIN!!! Ten Things of Thankful #94


I could sit here and sift through all my pictures. It is not as if I have a lack of photos of my week. You have seen me on Instagram right? However I am pretty sure I have ten things just in the last twenty four hours.

1. I was able to leave work early to go to a climate change conversation of four local experts panel discussion.

2. I got cleaning done at the house because I had no kid at home.

3. Husband and I went out to dinner just the two of us and actually TALKED.

4. The kid got to go on an impromptu sleep-over which meant husband and I got to……….SLEEP.

5. I got to sleep in until a whopping eight fifteen!!!

6. A fun exploration to Florida Native Plant Nursery.

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7. Dying Easter Eggs with the girls.

8. Fresh produce from the farmers market

9. The initiative to make a soup that in my head sounded freaking amazing. The soup was bland but it was soup and it did feed us and it wasn’t bad tasting just bland.

10. Bath salts and lavender tea and a book are in my plans in the next hour or so.

The end.


22 responses »

  1. When you had your date night with your husband, did you talk about your daughter the whole time? That’s what we usually do!


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