
------    2013 calendar11

^^^ because lets face it…I am!

Rules for participating:
1. You must link back to the person who nominated you.
2. You must answer the 5 questions given to you by your nominator.
3. You must pick bloggers, each with under 1,000 subscribers, to be nominated for the award. See Below for my Nominees!
4. You must come up with 5 questions for YOUR nominees to answer.See below!
5. You must go to their blog and notify them of the award nomination. Also email is a great way to notify them, if known.
*Be sure to include the Oh So Fabulous graphic with your blog post*









For My Nominee’s
1.  The Hoare
2.  Mum’s the word
3. Raising wild things
4.  They call me Mummy
5.  A morning grouch
6.  Knot Sew normal
8. Below the radar
9. Sarcastic Nanny
10. Fibromyalgia its a real pain.
And Nominees, here are your questions!!
1.    1. What is your favorite thing about blogging? (The comments are my fave.)
hmmm I have a lot of things I like about blogging. Keeping memories, bragging about crap, inspiring others to keep going. 
If I had to pick one I think I would also pick the comments. INTERACTION BABY!!!
2.  What is your favorite drink? Or stress snack if you don’t drink. Wait, why not? j/k
Mountain Dew and a snickers can go a long way with me.  If I am able to drink….Margaritas baby! I am sure that choice has no connection to my love of salty things. NONE
3. What is the funniest post you have written? Or makes you smile the most.
Poop like the dogs. When my daughter came inside to tell me she didn’t have to go potty because she pooped in the backyard like the dogs do
4. Do you get why people like the McRib? Splain. Seriously. I don’t get it.
Nope…Don’t get it at all.
5. Are you sick of seeing memes and jokes about bacon? Why or why not? DON’T EVEN LIE.
Since bacon is not my top ten favorite food…..YES..I am over it…Lets move on …to something way more better like Snickers or pastries or chips!
Okay questions for my nominees
1.  What is the very first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?
2.  Do you road rage? TELL THE TRUTH!
3. What is your biggest guilty pleasure? The one you don’t even know why you like it.
4.  How many text do you send per day?
5. Do you pour your coffee creamer in the cup first or last? (if you don’t drink coffee, LIE TO ME)
And I really don’t want to hear how these are out of order….

Oh so Fabulous Award…I would like to thank…..

6 responses »

  1. hahaha poop in the lawn – loved that one. good choice. thanks again for the shout out. I’m in a bit of a DIVE…so sorry it’s taken me so long to respond. my anti-social tendencies sometimes take over. And WHAT THE FUCK is up with bacon not being in your top 10 foods??!! what are these other 10 magical (nonexistant?) foods?


Talk to me! Tell me your thoughts!