Finding Ten Things of Thankful (#90)-oy vey!


I could sit here and tell you all things this week that went horribly wrong. I could tell you all the things that completely stressed me out. I could sit here and tell you what a crappy crappy crappy week this was. However, THAT is not what Ten Things of Thankful is about. 

Let’s see if I can turn this week around day by day:


What happened Monday. Well I really can’t remember Monday very well. I had my Cleaning Job so I had income to go to the Farmers Market to get fresh fruit and produce. I got my kitchen cleaned up and even baking soda and vinegar bombed the oven. So that is three things right there.


Tuesday I got my four and half mile walk in. It was very much needed and I really felt the week off that I took to get over that sinus/allergy flare that seems to be pretty much done.


Oh Wednesday why must you attack me so? The day before the school had testing. Whatever happened, the kid did not get a decent lunch. When you have a protein deficiency this then makes a phone call to mom to bring protein the next day. She gets very similar to hypoglycemic symptoms. LUCKILY, I was able to leave my Nanny Job for a  bit and take her some magnesium to calm the shakes and some protein. I don’t blame anyone, she is old enough to advocate for herself, she made the choice not to say anything. I am sure she was told at least four times to bring her lunch box with her and didn’t. It was just frustrating because she is normally pretty aware of her protein need. She had a breakfast of 20grams of protein only an hour before she called just to give you an idea of what I am talking about.


Thursday we will just call the day of so many mix-ups. Everything that needed to get done got done. Well except for gas in the car. I just didn’t have it in me after a quick grocery store stop.  However the baking soda and vinegar bomb from Monday made my oven so clean I hardly recognized it when I went to put dinner in after it was pre-heated.Sparkly clean ovens make me happy and I am sure the neighbors as the fire alarm did not go off just from pre-heating the oven.


You were such a tease Friday;Over-sleeping, car seats forgotten, wrong shoes worn to school and all. Hey remember I didn’t have it in me Thursday to stop for gas…….yeah I completely forgot. LUCKILY enough I made it to my Nanny job by shear stubborn Irish will and possibly some anger of wrong shoes worn to school. Mommy does not like getting phone calls from school, especially not when it’s the second one this week. In all my rush I forgot to bring the greek yogurt to mix my left over pulp from juicing the day before. LUCKY for me, I have awesome friends who take time out of their lunch break to bring me some! Plus I got a second four and half mile walk in and it was much easier this time!

Pretty sure there is more than ten things in all of that. Pretty sure I turned my week around however, I am really really really glad it is over and we can just focus on moving forwards.

Oh and some obligatory pictures from the week……

Squish is really digging this solid food stuff. I have been fired from feeding him for not shoveling it in fast enough

Squish is really digging this solid food stuff. I have been fired from feeding him for not shoveling it in fast enough

Fish make nests? I don't think I knew that before.

Fish make nests? I don’t think I knew that before.

Very well Pheasant I suppose this meal is good....enough..

Very well Pheasant I suppose this meal is good….enough..

The Kid and Snickerdoodle in a tree

The Kid and Snickerdoodle in a tree

Me and squish

Me and squish



We have Wednesday morning Youth Religious education garden watering . I supervised and drank my greens smoothie

We have Wednesday morning Youth Religious education garden watering . I supervised and drank my greens smoothie

34 responses »

  1. My goodness, that’s one heck of a week. I think I’m glad it’s over for you. Hopefully your young lady will sort her life out and remember the little things like food and shoes, next week. Well done you for picking up the pieces.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ugh, I hate a week like that. Spring break already next week? Maybe it’s the break you all need to get back on track.

    Baking soda and vinegar to clean the oven?!?!?! How?? I’m off to google it…


    • All you do is mix just enough water with the baking soda to make a paste. After wiping any of the big stuff out, smear the paste on. Let it sit at least over night but 24 hours is best. Then use vinegar in a spray bottle and it literally just wipes off.The vinegar makes it fuzzy let it fuzzy and then wipe it off.


  3. Wow! What a week! I’m sure you’re glad to have most of it behind you:)
    9 miles of walking! Excellent!
    Really?! I never heard of fish nests either. That’s a cool picture. Now I have to go look up fish and nests and who knows where that’s going to take me lol
    Hope you have a good weekend:)


  4. My son had to learn to advocate for himself with his peanut allergy. He learned very quickly to ask if there were peanuts in something (you’d be surprised how many people would say No, just peanut butter….) Four and a half miles is a long walk! If I walked that far in a straight line, I’d be on the other side of town! And I’m with Ivy – love that bald headed Squish. Just want to give him a squeeze!


    • Oy yes I know she is also lactose intolerant and so many people don’t realize how many things milk is in. oh but its just pudding. um yeah and how did you make it? Oh yeah! She can handle yogurt because of the probiotics and hard cheeses don’t have lactose in them.


  5. Sounds like a hectic week, well done on the walking and focusing on the positive things in life. I need to do that more. I too am off to google baking soda and vinegar bombs for the oven. Has to be better than the lung clogging chemicals I use at the moment.


    • All you do is mix just enough water with the baking soda to make a paste. After wiping any of the big stuff out, smear the paste on. Let it sit at least over night but 24 hours is best. Then use vinegar in a spray bottle and it literally just wipes off.The vinegar makes it fuzzy let it fuzzy and then wipe it off.

      Liked by 1 person

      • That makes so much sense, I tried it once before but didn’t leave the paste on long enough nor use a spray bottle for the vinegar. It all went a bit wrong. I’ll try your way next week.


  6. nice work TToTing a clearly challenging week! (you know, the BoSR/SBoR does permit citing items of hypo-gratitude, but what you’ve done this week is totally what the spirit of a gratitude bloghop would have us engage in …. cool


  7. I don’t know what I love most about this post….the fact that you found 10 thankfuls despite a challenging week, or the adorable photos, or the fact that you also use leftover pulp for smoothies and such! I’ve put it in chili and also made killer veggie burgers with leftover pulp. Yummmm


    • I mix fruit in mine so often that its such a pain to remember to stop after the veggies and save the greens. BUT I have cooked with them, adding greens to quinoa and brown rice, making veggie patties(like veggie pancakes) but I am the only one that truly likes it so smoothies work well too.


  8. Oooooh I totally need the baking soda vinegar bomb in my own oven! Your long walks have certainly been paying off because you look fantastic! When I’m able to do my first long walk, I’m dedicating it to you for the inspiration. It sounds like your Kid is a lot like mine (and not for the first time) and mine would forget her head if it wasn’t attached some days. Hope you have a better week coming up!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Sometimes when I can’t find things to be thankful for, people help find them for me. THAT is why I like this hop. I can write about the crud and people can step back and say – well look at this and it gives me a whole new perspective on things. It’s a beautiful thing because sometimes when you’re depressed you can’t see much of anything.
    But look at you go, finding 10 despite all of what you went through. That is wonderful. I can’t always do that.
    I loved bumbo chairs for my son. Too bad he grew out of it so quickly!! I had no idea that fish made nets. That’s super creepy and super gross. I want to swim in that sunset….I seriously do. Can spring get here already?!!
    It’s a new week…big breath…you’ve got this!!!!


    • I took my time to be grumpy and eat chocolate and chips and drink mountain dew…Then I sat down and wrote. I don’t remember them having bumbo’s when the kid was young. They are pretty awesome.

      You know I was fascinated with the nests and at the same time I was like no wonder you guys get picked off by birds of prey, you are pretty obvious there.
      Oh the sunsets here are sometimes so breath taking that it makes everything okay.


  10. So many ups and downs this week. I’d keep the oven clean by never cooking in it again. Ha, ha. Squish is so adorable. I’m glad you didn’t run out of gas.


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  12. in the end you found your thankfuls. Good for you with walking I can not wait to start to walk – a bit cold here – hopefully next week – love the pictures hoping a better week.


  13. I had almost forgotten about those phone calls from the school! I hope that this week goes much smoother for you, and that you don’t have to be such a taxi/delivery service!


  14. OH so well done on the turnaround, Erin. Some weeks are just so overwhelming and the best you can is muddle through. You did that and more. And there is nothing like a baking soda and vinegar session for the oven!
    Hope this week is off to a good start and treats you more kindly than the last.


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