The week of no brain at all but yet Ten Things of Thankful Still


Last night as I was driving home it really hit me that it was Friday and I had yet to do a single thing for Ten Things of Thankful. When I got home that thought to write it was gone. It came back briefly but I realized I was done for the day. You see, Monday I felt like being extra productive. I was spraying the kid’s room with mold and mildew remover due to our dryer currently throwing most of the heat into her room. Since we are both really allergic to Mold I thought I would be proactive.  The only problem, the spray triggers my allergic Asthma. The next morning I was pretty sure I had also gotten some mold somewhere along the cleaning lines. Sore swollen throat no voice and so much post nasal drip, so so so much. I have had that allergy stuffy head congested brain all week long. Apparently its not even gone because this morning I went to link up and couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t find my post. It helps to write it first.

First thing of thankful is the farmers market for fresh foods. Mainly, fresh basil this week. Basil when juiced or eaten is a great antibacterial,antiinflamatory, and antioxidant properties. I juiced it with Ginger and Turmeric and a bit of cucumber. Not the best tasting stuff but the swollen throat was gone in four hours. SO thankful I have spent so much time researching holistic means of healing AND that I had the things I needed available to me.

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Next up was an early birthday/Christmas present from a good close friend. A counter top dishwasher. We don’t need a full one and we don’t really have the space for it. If we run this one every night I should be able to keep up on dishes FINALLY! It’s a convenience we have done without for two years and there have just been too many days lately where I can walk but standing still in front of the sink is too much on my hips and knees.So very thankful for this.

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Third on the list is 1000 voices of compassion. This has been such food for thought for my brain. I am still working my way through the posts but so many of them have just blown my mind and really made me think.

I am thankful for friends who invite me out for lunch. It is a much needed just adult girl time. Also to friends who invite me over for coffee. Especially fresh hand ground slow drip coffee!! That is almost as much of a treat as bouncing ideas off each other!

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I had gotten into the practice of carving out fifteen to thirty minutes a day to read prior to picking up the kid. Since starting nannying Squish I have not been as faithful to that. I have dived back into a book about mindfulness and taking some time to meditate and it is so very helpful. I didn’t realize how much I had missed it until about two weeks ago.

I can’t say it enough, every time I scroll through my Facebook feed , I am reminded how thankful I am for my husband and all he does for us.There is so much frustration about husbands and Dads not being responsible between Facebook and the news. I am thankful I have one of the good ones.

Thursday was a really rough morning for parenting. I tried not to let it ruin my whole day but it really was a grey cloud over it all. I am thankful for friends who let me vent and support me. I felt better about my parenting choices by the end of the day. Even enough to look through baby pictures of the kid. To think how much easier sleepless nights, boobie feedings, diaper changes were compared to this pre-preteen stuff we are dealing with. Hormones really are assholes.

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I am really thankful that I take so many pictures. Not only does it make looking back so much nicer but its a great distraction as well. I got some really good shots this week.

As annoying as they can be I am thankful for the cats. They provide so much comic relief and seem to know just when I need it. Even though they like to dart out the door and leave my stomach in knots because they were out of the house all day. They seem to balance the helpfulness and being an asshole pretty well.

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I am thankful that I have friends that even though I was up and functioning, I had no brain. I am thankful I have friends who help me laugh at myself instead of focusing on the fact that I was having serious cognitive issues yesterday. I tried to shake out a pill out of an empty pill bottle. Well it had the right name, it was just empty. A gentleman said excuse me to walk between us and I responded Thank You. I just could not brain at all yesterday.

And a bonus

The gold and white/blue and black dress…. I heard that groan. But seriously these kinds of optical illusions with science backing it up, always capture the true joy and wonder of learning in my brain. I don’t think it needed to go viral or be the only thing that anyone was talking about however, I choose to see the good in the situation. It gave me intellectual joy to think about who the brain/eye works and how individual everyone is.

23 responses »

    • Thank you I hope so to. Finding the silver lingings in the daily stuff is what TEn Things of Thankful is all about and I can’t tell you how much perspective it has given me over the past few months i have been participating.

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s great! It’s so important to look for positives. I always try to think like that too – stops me from feeling sorry for myself when there are many out there who are going through far worse in dire circumstances. I think coming up with 10 things is fantastic – really forces you to look at life properly. Love it!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Love your kitties. It’s funny. One of ours has become especially affectionate at night and is always on top of me all night. Don’t know if this will last when the weather warms. And I have a 14 year old. Hormones, hormones. I keeping telling myself. Hang in there. Have a great week.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post my sister in all things holistic and anti-inflammatory! I didn’t know basil was an anti-inflammatory ingredient and that makes me REALLY happy because I LOVE basil. I grow tons of it in the summer, and in the winter I keep the small plants from the grocery store in my kitchen window for as long as they last then I get another. Lunch with girlfriends sounds so fun (and that lunch! I see arugula and avocado there). I look forward to doing stuff like that again soon. How old is your daughter? Mine is 10 and I agree – hormones can suck it! #TheDress – the only groan out of me is because the thing is so hideous, in every color combination! It looks straight out of 1988 for real, but I’m with you on it being an interesting look into how we see things differently.


    • Mine will be ten in august. Not sure when I first discovered the miracle of basil. You don’t need a lot. Two teaspoons of juice treats the common cold. Yes that salad did have arugula and I specifically asked for the avacoda even with the avacodo lime yogurt dressing they have.

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  3. How funny, I was also writing about the farmer’s market this week. Those are so awesome!! Dishwashers are awesome! We didn’t have one for 4 years, because we didn’t have the space in our tiny kitchen. When we moved, I bought one, and couldn’t imagine being without one now!

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  4. Teens always get the bad rap, but in lots of ways, I think the tweens are harder. Hang in there!

    I’m with you. I think the science behind that blue dress is absolutely fascinating.


    • I think it is. I know pueberty is just around the corner.. its the on and off of hormones that just drives me nuts. I started at ten and had my period by eleven so I don’t think she will be too much off of that


  5. It’s gold and white.
    When a cat is determined to get in your lap, there is no stopping it. I can’t count the number of times I’ve written posts with a large cat sprawled across my arms, my hands peeking out from beneath him, unable to access the mouse through his fur.


  6. yeah, whats the deal with the dress thing? I stared at it, (on ‘the Facebook’) for about 13 seconds and nothing happened… (at first I thought it would be like one of those novelty drinking glasses from the 1950s….) but nothin! what a rip off!
    if Dyanne says it’s gold and white, then that’s what I’ll choose to say…

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  7. How much basil did you have to put in the drink? Looks like you had to blend a lot of it!!! I can’t wait until summer so that we can grow our own…I can almost taste it.
    I am glad that it gave you relief. It’s amazing how we have become so reliant on medicine that we forget that mother nature has gifted us with natural remedies!! I’ll have to keep this in mind. Thanks!
    Oh I have many more years until I hit the hormone stage with my boy….whew….bracing myself. It’s good to have a good support network around you. Nothing worse than having people who will judge you for what you did or didn’t do. We all need to support one another because parenting is the hardest job there is.
    I hope that you have a good week!!!


  8. You had a great week! Your cats are determined! I am intrigued with your sore throat remedy as we just suck it up or drink a lot of hot tea with the hopes that that helps. Your tiny dishwasher is pretty darn cool. You do have good friends! I noticed too how so many wives and moms are unhappy with their husbands/father’s of their children. I too have one of the good ones.


    • It really does work quite well Pattie. It is very spicy. if the spice bothers you follow it with some raw local honey. A teaspoon is plenty and if sugar spiking is a problem adding a fourth of a teaspoon of cinnamon will help regulate blood sugar levels


  9. Well added to which, everyone’s screen brightness and capability will be different. But it’s blue and gold for me. And ALSO, ALSO, WHYYYYYYY did everyone get so stressed about it? Who cares?


    Hope you’re back to fully cognational now.

    I really, really like that you can look at FB and it affirms to you that your husband is so great. That is one of my favourite things I’ve read for a while. Gorgeous 😀

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  10. I think the dress thing was a good lesson in understanding that everyone sees things in life differently. What we see is our reality, no matter what anyone else interprets. That’s kind of a big thing with me right now, due to some personal things that have gone down.
    “I just couldn’t brain at all.” 😀 I need to use that statement because that is so accurate!
    I love a good juice or smoothie loaded up with all the good things that can help our bodies. LOVE. Nothing gives me more pleasure than finding what I need naturally. And OH I’m taking next to zero in the category of anti-inflammatory help in pill form. Thank you natural medicine in food! Not even kidding how happy that makes me…
    I love that your husband is wonderful and that you appreciate him. Glad you had friends around to help you through a rough parenting day. We all have those and being able to reach out to someone who can talk you back to sense is wonderful.
    I see your cats help you get through your day about as efficiently and effectively as mine do. Today all three were perched at various places around my writing space – one walking on the keyboard, one rubbing the laptop lid, and one in my chair.
    I am also still working (SLOWLY) through the 1000Speak posts, but they are awesome.


Talk to me! Tell me your thoughts!