And the floor felt out from underneath……TTOT #70



Ten Things of Thankful Link up


1.Clean floors. It may seem silly but it is really hard work for me. So much so that I count it as my exercise for the day. I put it off a bit too long and ended up having to do the floors twice to get them clean but now my feet and my OCD are happy again. It makes such a difference just having clean floors.


2. A good stretch of sleep. While I can’t say a good nights sleep I  seem to have found that medicating again at two or three am helps immensely. There was nothing stopping me before. By that time it has been over six hours since last medication. I just don’t like taking them if I can get away with it. But two nights of getting a good three solid hours has made such a difference in my mornings.

And That is as far as I got writing down my thankfuls each day.


3. I had my first pay check from writing to go grocery shopping with. I wanted to buy ALL THE THINGS.  Kale, cucumbers, squash, carrots, apples, ginger, lemons, Spinach! Farm fresh eggs!


4. I had the energy to go to four stores in a row and put away the groceries after my cleaning job.  Really that is quite impressive for my muscle spams and arthritis to put up with.


5.  We are continuing our walking.  Four miles in on Tuesday.

6. I got to snuggle not only squish but play with Princess P as well.

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Wednesday I learned my brother in law is moving out. It leaves so much up in the air. I literally felt like the world was falling apart around me.  The ground I walked on no longer secure. While I understand I also know I am not quite where I need to be to work part time.  I am getting there and felt it would be possible soon. All things happen for a reason and this has taught me:

7. My support network is larger than I thought.

8. Baby snuggles and emotional eating go a long way to right the wrongs you feel.

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9. Really there is only one word. Batmobile.


Also I was slightly happy to see my twisted sense of sarcastic humor re-emerging. Is it just me or does that light look like a penis hanging from the ceiling?

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10. In an effort to prepare myself for what maybe coming I walked four miles again.  Two days in a row.

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As a bonus. The kid no longer is too anxious to have a brother or sister.

For real mommy this is what babies do?
Yes if you had a brother or sister this is what you would have to listen to for at least a year before you would have someone to play with.
I am good with no babies then.

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Wednesday was a super low day. Thursday’s walk burned not just calories but obviously being able to talk things out with a friend I burnt some emotional stress as well. I fell asleep soon after my walk. I don’t remember falling asleep. Just waking up worried I missed pick up time for the kid. Problem solving has started and dealing with reality has started. Even if that means ,I am not sure what that means. One step at at time, one problem at a time.

32 responses »

  1. I am sorry about the uncertainty you may be facing. Number 7 is a great thing when you realize it, isn’t it?

    I do think #9 is a close second though 😉


  2. One everything at a time, yes? Good thinking… cant do more than that anyway and trying just screws it up… so deep breaths for me and one at a time… oh and baby snuggles… that too!


  3. Oh, three hours of sleep in a row is wonderful! Hopefully, those three hours will increase a little at a time. Do you lie awake between stretches of sleep or do you just have a lot of interrupted sleep by waking up and then going back to sleep?
    My exercise regimen will begin after next week, when volleyball season ends. No excuses after that!
    Baby snuggles are the best, aren’t they? They smell so goooood!


    • Sometimes I fall asleep sometimes I lay awake. I always said if I could get the sleep I get in the beginning of the night right before I woke up it would be different. It has really really helped. I am juicing with kidney and liver health in mind just to appease my dislike of taking so much.


  4. Oh how I love a clean floor! I won’t dust for a month, but I cannot handle having crumbs or spots on my floor.

    Glad you are getting your walks in and having the energy to get all the shopping done.


  5. although I am, in fact, the only one here qualified to offer an opinion, I will refrain. (lol)

    ‘writing money’ aye carumba! how cool that must be… when I read that, I got a visual of you paying the money, getting the receipt and…. turning back to the cashier “you know you have good elements here, but can we really relate to them”


  6. Ack! Sounds like quite the catastrophe in the middle of the week. I’m glad you discovered that your support network’s so strong, and well done you for sticking with the walking and using that time to think and talk things through. I’m glad you have people around you, and I hope that it all goes well from here.

    Batmobile – WAY cool 🙂


  7. Congrats on your walking. Physical activity, coupled with talking with a friend, really does help. I hope you can get more than 3 hours of sleep, but I’m glad you’re feeling better with a couple of nights of a 3-hour stretch.


    • Its more like six hours total. I get a good two to three first off then sometime after two am I get another three hours.

      Yes the walking is helping in so so many ways. I am really surprised by how much it really does help. says the exercising grump


  8. What a great week! Moderate sleep and two days of walking *highfive*. I am at the same place in my relationship with the floors. The kitchen got mopped last week. I’m hoping to mop it again and another room this week. Choosing action in these things takes so much energy.

    Friends make it all a little easier to manage.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Why is putting away stuff (groceries, laundry, etc.) always the most difficult part of the chore? Still have a basket of laundry to fold AND put away 🙂 Kudos to you for having finished! Oh, and baby snuggles make everything better 🙂 Have a great new week!


  10. Clean floors and good sleep? That’s a good list right there! I love both of those things.
    Now, about that penis chandelier…have you seen the off-color radish on my blog this week? I thought butt, others thought different things…either way it was a good laugh! Naughty vegetables!
    The Batmobile rocks. I pretend my car is the Batmobile, but really it’s just black. But it has a moon roof, so that’s something Bat-ish, right?


  11. Your attitude about your brother in law is so awesome! I’m sure you will figure things out in no time! Congrats on being able to get that money to buy all of that fresh food. Yum! And horray for your walks and cleaning of the floors. That treat you had looks so yummy right about now, too!


  12. Pingback: And the floor felt out from underneath......TTO...

  13. Oh how I miss having clean floors! Every time I turn around the floors need to be cleaned here. Something to do with five people and a very hairy dog….
    You know I can relate to the interrupted sleep, especially this week. I’m glad you’ve found a way to remedy it and hope if only gets better.
    I’m so glad that you’ve found you have a good support network. There are few things more important. You have it right, though…one thing at at time.
    Hang in there!

    Liked by 1 person

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